4 Tips to Quickly Recognize Expert Creatives

Over the years, I had a chance to work with dozens of Graphic Designers, Agencies, Contractors, and various Freelancers. It may be quite challenging to distinguish Experts from Followers, yet it is crucial to do so to save ourselves money, time, and headaches down the road.

I turned my personal guidelines into these 4 tips that will help you to do just that so you know exactly what to look for. Although these tips were formed mainly to help you find the right Creatives, they are still applicable across the board.

Let’s dive in…

1: They ask questions - a lot

What is your brand about? What is your vision? What are your goals? Who is your target customer? Who are your competitors? If your designer does not ask those questions, it is a red flag. Most graphic designers will simply ask you what kind of font and color you want and that is a big no-no.

2: They research your competition

One of your main objectives is to stand out - and a good designer knows that. They need to know more about your competitors so they can help you differentiate your brand and create something unique. If they don’t even look at your competition, it is a red flag.

3: They optimize for conversions

People love art but they also have a short attention span. A good design helps you to communicate your message and key selling points in just a few seconds. Experts won’t try to astonish you with complex designs and amazing effects.

4: They advise you

You may have a vision, but they are the ones bringing it to life. They have the experience to tell you what works and what doesn’t. After all, they are the Experts and they should know better than you.

You can follow these tips for other projects as well, not just graphic design.

So if you are planning to update your brand - new listings, logo, packaging, photos, or even videos - keep these tips in mind.

To save you some time, I can recommend the ones I personally worked with:

Graphic Designer

He can help you with your visuals and brand guidelines. He designed our Logo, packaging, and listings (including A+ content). He did a great job creating visuals that reflect the brand identity - setting the tone for the brand and choosing the right colors and fonts.

Marketing Agency

An agency that arranged a large photoshoot for our brand - lifestyle photos and brand videos. They basically manage projects end-to-end. They will find the right actors, choose a location and bring their whole crew

They are based in Europe so their prices are reasonable and the results were great.

If these projects are on your list, I recommend you to:

  1. Clarify your message, customer avatar, and key selling points first

  2. Work with a graphic designer to clarify the tone of your brand

  3. Get new photos/videos done

  4. Finalize your listings with the new visual assets

Good luck!


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